I am not the one who crazy people go to for help, I am the one that normal people need when the world around them is going insane


Where do I start with how this week is progressing along. All I can say is I have never been aware of how many choices I have and decisions to make. Does anyone else notice this?

It is only Tuesday and the little things in my life seem to be taking up so much head space, which leaves little room for the bigger things that need thinking about. Today I seem to have been in demand by others who have wanted my advice, yes, I feel honoured that people know they can come to me, but I have had to make so many choices. Do I tell them exactly what I think? How do I word it? What tone of voice do I use? Am I blunt or am I subtle? Do I listen or do I speak? One person I do know I most upset but sometimes the word no is enough to upset some. Sadly in this instance I cannot offer anymore and it’s time for her to move on to another mentor. My advice and  best intentions wasn’t good enough for her sadly.

And, then what about the easy things. Do I wear my hair up or down? Is it a shower or a bathe? Which colour jeans? Which top ? Which crystal to wear for myself? Which crystals are recommended for others too wear. And it goes on and on. So much so that I finally said enough is enough. No more choices.

Where do you think our choices come from? Is it ourselves that bring this forward or someone or something the presents these situations and opportunities?

Some of the choices I have had to made this week have meant that the answer has been found in my gut instinct or sixth sense. Others have been my common sense or head/heart combination. At this moment in time I am not sure which sense is the stronger one.

So I will leave you to contemplate on the type of choices you have made and still have to make. Remember if it feels right to you then you are making the right choice for you. 💪Be strong 

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