I am not the one who crazy people go to for help, I am the one that normal people need when the world around them is going insane

Posts tagged ‘reading’

Live for Today

I keep hearing ‘live for today’, but what the hell does it mean. How can you live your life a day at a time. That’s not possible and never will be, in my honest opinion, especially when you have a diary of appointments to keep on different days, often over weeks and months.

Or have I missed something? Wouldn’t surprise me if I have totally missed the plot and please feel free to creatively tell me where I am going wrong.

Mindfulness puzzles me. No I don’t know a lot about it and maybe this is where my answer lies. I have a past and I hope to have a long and prosperous future and as I see it they are both going to affect today. So how do I live for today, when I have already had one and want another one tomorrow. Am I  making sense, or am I rambling again?

I do try to live one day at a time and try not to worry about what goes on around me too much. I try to be organised where I only concentrate on what I have arranged for the one day and try my very best to stick to that, but, anyone who works with the general public will fully understand that you need to stay flexible as things can and do change, occasionally at the very last minute.

What also doesn’t help either is being brought up in a house of constant worry and stress. It’s hard to break the cycle of what we have been taught. But we can only try. In a perfect world it would be so simple just to ‘live and let live’ with a motto of ‘each to their own’.

How do we not let what happened yesterday influence us today?

How do we not let what was said and heard yesterday affect us today?

It’s not easy is it. Or is it? Can we learn to live for today,  whilst ignoring yesterday and not even thinking about tomoorow, that’s another day? Maybe it is.

I truly hope there is an easy answer. Many of us are trying to take ourselves off the worry/stress hamster wheel who wish to live a happier carefree way of life. I hope we all get what we are looking for.




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Blowing your own trumpet

Just lately I have seemed to be surrounded by very confident people who have such strong opinions of themselves and their achievements which then had me thinking. What do you have to do to have such confidence and self belief?

Anyone who knows me will tell you I am terrible at blowing my own trumpet.

Most who visit either for a healing or a reading leave with a smile, an answer and seem happy to return again and again. So I guess I am getting something right. 🙂

I very rarely tell anyone when to rebook in and leave it to their own judgement to call again as I believe they know when the time is right. But do suggest they watch how they feel and what is happening or changing and if they feel a difference to contact me.  Some say I should be more pushy, others like it the way it is. What do you think I should do? Would love to hear what you think is the right thing for me.
The last thing I want to do is come across as egotistical as, in my opinion, you see so many in the holistic/spiritual field who are far too OTT when it comes to talking about themselves and their gifts.

So what is the difference between confidence and ego? Well I believe someone who is confident in their work and how they can help to change someone’s life for the better do it for the greater good of the other person.  Those who work with ego do it for their own confidence, self belief and gratification and are constantly waiting to hear how wonderful THEY are.

It is a very fine line between the two and we are all different with individual beliefs but I know which I prefer. It is an honour for me to work the way I do and share my gifts with everyone. 🎊💟🎁

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